BluFedora Job System v1.0.0
This is a C++ job system library for use in game engines.
BluFedora Job System Library

This is a C++17 library for handling of Tasks / Jobs in a multi-threaded environment.


Minimal Example

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
static constexpr int k_DataSize = 100000;
static int s_ExampleData[k_DataSize] = {};
// Print the first 20 items for brevity
static void printFirst20Items()
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
std::printf("data[%i] = %i\n", i, s_ExampleData[i]);
int main()
// Initialize Dummy Data
for (int i = 0; i < k_DataSize; ++i)
s_ExampleData[i] = i;
auto* t = Job::ParallelFor(
[](int* data, std::size_t data_size) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < data_size; ++i)
data[i] = data[i] * 5;
// Check that the jobs finished working on all items.
for (int i = 0; i < k_DataSize; ++i)
assert(s_ExampleData[i] == i * 5);
return 0;
API for a multi-threading job system.
void WaitOnTask(const Task *const task) noexcept
Waits until the specified task is done executing. This function will block but do work while being bl...
InitializationToken Initialize(const JobSystemMemoryRequirements &memory_requirements={}, void *const memory=nullptr) noexcept
Sets up the Job system and creates all the worker threads. The thread that calls 'Job::Initialize' is...
Definition: job_system.cpp:741
void Shutdown() noexcept
This will deallocate any memory used by the system and shutdown any threads created by 'bfJob::initia...
Definition: job_system.cpp:939
Task * ParallelFor(const std::size_t start, const std::size_t count, S &&splitter, F &&fn, Task *parent=nullptr)
Parallel for algorithm, splits the work up recursively splitting based on the splitter passed in.
Definition: job_api.hpp:608
void TaskSubmit(Task *const self, const QueueType queue=QueueType::NORMAL) noexcept
Submits the task to the specified queue.



A Task is a single unit of work that can be scheduled by the Job System. Each Task has a total sizeof of 128bytes (2 * hardware interference size) with some of the bytes taken by essential bookkeeping date then the rest used for user storage.

A Tasks can be added as a child of another task, this means that when you wait on the parent Task then it will wait for all child Tasks as well.


A Queue hold a list of Tasks waiting to be executed. There are four different types of queues.

  • MAIN This queue has a guarantee that the task will be run on the main thread.
  • NORMAL Slightly lower priority than 'QueueType::HIGH'.
  • WORKER This queue has a guarantee that the task will never be run on the main thread.


  • C++ Standard Library (C++17 or above)
  • PCG Random